Local Opinion

This time was supposed to be different

The most important function Congress serves is to debate and pass the federal budget. I know — it also levies taxes, imposes or relaxes...

Destinations make trails enhanced city assets

Daily Journal A community trail network is an excellent community asset that promotes recreation. But the real value lies in the ability...

Letter: Creation of clean energy jobs right way to go

To the editor: The "Old king coal" column published in the Daily Journal (Aug. 1, “Old king coal still reigning over Indiana's energy...

Letter: Don’t open door to anyone you don’t know

To the editor: Regarding the July 14 editorial, "Residents help enforce regulations on solicitors," county officials have revised regulations regarding peddlers/solicitors in...

Healthy relationships key to stopping domestic violence

The devastating case of Amy Keever has raised the issue of domestic violence in the community. Donn and Amy Keever had been...

Letter: Restaurant’s smoke-free atmosphere welcoming

To the editor: On July 19, the Crowbar Inn & Restaurant in Trafalgar closed for fair week as it does every summer. ...

By any other name, will kid still be just as sweet?

What’s in a name? Shakespeare said a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. That would seem to suggest that...

Early involvement key in education success

School’s return ushers in another year of homework routines, for some a nightly battle of wills. There is good reason for parents to encourage...

Help mosquito problem by removing water

If it seems like the mosquitoes are particularly bad this year, it's not your imagination. Record-setting July rain, flooded fields, and standing...

Pop songs help us remember good times

Although we sometimes go weeks without a gig, the Retro Brothers have been working quite a bit lately. When I say “working” I mean...