Local Opinion

South Bend immigrant revolutionized American farming

Though his name is not nearly as familiar as John Deere’s, James Oliver of South Bend revolutionized agriculture with his invention of a new...

Original meaning of Fourth of July losing its spark

The answer is Boston. The question is, “Your favorite Fourth of July?” The kids were all at home that summer, but it...

Experience, patience pay off in job search — even in Indiana

Everyone has advice to give on how to get a job and what kind of job to get. Some advice is geographic: “Go West,...

We need both insiders and outsiders in Congress

Members of Congress get categorized in all sorts of ways. They’re liberal or conservative; Republican or Democrat; interested in domestic affairs or specialists in...

With palace full of stuff, moving can be royal pain

I read that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is moving out of her Buckingham Palace digs. Moving in or out of a home can...

Focus economic spending on improving community

Local governments in Indiana spend tax dollars on many goods and services that make our lives better. Police and fire protection, roadways and other...

Condemn evil, but also realize it’s within everyone

We saw the face of evil in Charleston, South Carolina. A 21-year-old man, Dylann Roof, took the lives of nine innocent people...

Editorial roundup – June 29

Exercise caution around railroads (Marion) Chronicle-Tribune We’ve all been there before. You’re running late for an important appointment...

Take precautions to discourage mosquitoes

The heavy rain of the past couple of weeks were good for the crops and home gardens, but the storms have left a lot...

Budget holiday décor

As the summer days wear on, I always keenly anticipate celebrating our nation’s birthday. The red, white and blue will be featured on T-shirts...