Local Opinion

Center Grove athlete soared with confidence

Among field events, discus requires a unique combination of technique and strength. On the one hand, the competitor must have nearly the grace of...

Level of underutilized workers worrisome issue for Indiana

“There's a whole bunch of people in Indiana who have given up looking for jobs,” Guy Matins declared over breakfast. “Not as...

City helps calm waters by tweaking pool rules

Daily Journal When visitors to Greenwood’s new aquatic park commented about a lack of discounts, perks for season-pass holders and other issues,...

Be brave enough to face, then embrace your failures

Not too long ago, I sat down with Peter Dunn (a.k.a. Pete the Planner), a personal finance author and radio personality to chat over...

Norman Knight June 17

According to a story in the in-flight magazine Hemispheres, two New Yorkers have come up with an unusual use for the “long and functionally...

Letter: Annexation rationale doesn’t seem to add up

To the editor: I have lived in Trafalgar since 1970. It has always been a sleepy little town. I was always proud...

This school offers future to students with a past

The conventional graduation ceremonies occurring across Indiana offer an opportunity to recognize an unconventional one. A Columbia City high school this year is graduating...

Letter: Focus on home front, rebuilding infrastructure

To the editor: Thank you for Ann McFeatters' column in the May 29 Daily Journal ("Our reluctance in fixing infrastructure to be...

Renovating kitchen creates topsy-turvy life at home

My wife informed me the other day that she was top heavy. “I have to be honest,” I told her, “but I...

Save lives; give blood even during summer

Daily Journal When kids are out of school, the level of blood donations often drops; but the need for blood knows no...