Local Opinion

State economic sluggishness follows well-established trend

Indiana will be safe for another year. We will retain our regressive social agenda as the General Assembly stays busy passing meaningless, divisive legislation....

Safety paramount in stormy weather

Daily Journal Although severe weather can strike at any time of the year, spring tends to be Indiana’s wildest season weatherwise. ...

Letter: Veterans losing big in current legislative ‘game’

To the editor: Team Soccer Stadium scored a major victory in the second half of the Indiana General Assembly Political Game. Their...

Coloring outside the lines proves highly therapeutic

Granddaughter Adelaide is quite the artist. At a mere 3 years of age she has developed her own artistic style. Reminiscent of...

Cowardly conspirator Hoosier politician, Lincoln successor unscathed

A century and a half ago, on April 14, 1865, John Wilkes Booth assassinated President Abraham Lincoln, who spent his boyhood in Indiana. ...

Focus: Protecting newborns

(Bloomington) Herald-Times Since 2000, Indiana has had a “safe haven” law that allows an unharmed newborn of less than 30 days old...

Banana-tree reality bigger than gardener’s dreams

I woke up last Sunday with a monstrous beast in my living room. It was our own doing, of course. The husband and I...

Dear readers: I apologize for humorous exaggeration

When I show up to see my CPA at tax time, Clare clears her desk so I can spread out all my shoe boxes...

Weddings these days big, scary business

It isn’t June, but weddings are making a lot of news these days. First, the story in the Washington Post said the...

Letter: Lawmakers must do more to prevent gun violence

To the editor: People For Common Sense Gun Control are calling for action from Congress. We would like to see laws enacted...