Local Opinion

Felines operate on own terms

I spend a good part of each day in the company of cats. Or I should say I share a house with two cats,...

Incentives for business bring benefits to few

Most communities entice businesses with subsidies or incentives to locate in their jurisdiction versus another. It’s seen as a necessary measure of competition. But...

Phone calls meant for grandma or grandchildren?

The odds of having an uninterrupted phone conversation with your grown children (who are now parenting your beloved grandchildren), are roughly the same as...

Program helps girls deal with development issues

Daily Journal Girls in fifth and sixth grade often begin to have issues with peer pressure, self-esteem and self-image. To help girls...


The TV weather guy noted that March 1 was the first day of “meteorological spring.” I learned this is a method of...

Letter: Requiring prescription wrong path to take

To the editor: As an Indiana licensed pharmacist with more than 40 years of experience in both the health care and pharmaceutical...

Clean up, save some money

Can we agree that this winter has lasted way too long? My heart is aching for sweet spring sunshine, the smell of freshly cut...

Enjoying a culture full of flavors, homemade food

Early one Sunday morning, a couple of weeks ago, we met up with our Canadian friends Ian and Lori, whose boat is on the...

Letter: Indiana naturally belongs in Central time zone

To the editor:  This Sunday clocks will move ahead as daylight saving time goes into effect. While most Americans take the move...

From what’s being heard, sounds drive people nuts

The disorder is called misophonia. When I first heard about this I thought it was a feeling you experience when you can’t...