Local Opinion

Sunday liquor debate textbook economics

There are at least two theories of regulation, both applying to the ongoing debate over the sale of liquor on Sundays. One...

University’s speech police leave students speechless

I confess I was once part of the speech police. That’s right; I had a list of banned words I imposed on others. Of...

Fulfilling Valentine’s Day just wasn’t in cards … again

Valentine’s Day is over. Whew. I am so thankful that once more I narrowly dodged a bullet. (Well, maybe in this case “avoided a...

Areas’ greatness will lure coveted ‘creative class’

Many readers will have heard of economist Richard Florida, whose writings popularized the notion of a “Creative Class” of workers. Florida argued...

Center’s education program keeps incarcerated teens in the game

For years, teens who spent long periods in juvenile detention didn't have a way to earn credits toward a high school diploma, and that...

Time to affirm journalism traditions

In this country, people who read the news on television are called “anchors.” In Great Britain, they are called “presenters." The latter...

Letter: Single-party rule harmful to Indiana

To the editor: Despotism: a form of government in which a single entity rules with absolute power. One of the more unfortunate...

Valentines come in different shapes, sizes, messages — all in name of love

In case you’re still in winter hibernation mode and haven’t noticed all the extra red hearts in every store you enter, today is Valentine’s...

Controversial governor’s recruitment efforts during war helped save union

Ask historians to name Indiana’s greatest governor, and most will answer Oliver P. Morton. He was the first governor born on Hoosier...

Waxing away at Creepy Old Manhood

Because I am a man of certain, ahem, vintage, I notice that I am undergoing certain changes with regard to the production of hair. ...