Local Opinion

Letter: 57 million potential lives ended by court ruling

To the editor: On the occasion of the 42nd anniversary of the horribly misguided Supreme Court decision somehow permitting the destruction of...

Toaster, thermostat settings lead to heated discussions

In order for Mary Ellen and me to remain happily married for more than three decades, certain adjustments have had to be made. We’ve...

Cross-county corridor step closer to reality

In the mid-1950s, three Greenwood businessmen, all involved in transportation, envisioned a major highway running east-west across Johnson County. The county already had a...

French Lick had lure of springs before golf, gambling

The infirm frequented French Lick for its miraculous Pluto water. The rich and famous came to golf and gamble. Since the 1830s,...

Letter: Temperature doesn’t affect footballs enough to matter

To the editor: Temperature effect on football pressure is a red herring, perhaps suggested by an under-informed lawyer. The variation...

Weather too nice to daydream of spring

OK, one thing I need to get straight before we go any further: I write these things ahead of deadline, so what follows is...

Letter: Ready to leave big city for small hometown

To the editor: At the beginning of October 2012 I lost my job due to osteoarthritis. Going into winter I quickly moved...


The name “Indiana” creates a vivid image in people’s minds. Rolling farm fields. Basketball goals hanging above garage doors and on barn...

It is voters, not term limits, that should reshape Congress

It didn’t get much attention at the time, but the elections last November did more than give Republicans a majority in the U.S. Senate....

From rhubarb to turkey neck soup, there’s a day for that

I know your schedule is full and I don’t mean to add to the pressure, but I’m guessing you missed National Compliment Day. You...