Local Opinion

If gambling is OK, legalize across state

Today’s sermon, members of the choir, will be upon the twin topics of gambling and guns. Now, I know that people don’t like to...

Equalize tax treatment of school textbook fees

At the beginning of each school year, families in Indiana’s public schools are hit with bills that include activity fees and textbook costs. Textbook...

Free college for all not sound policy

President Barack Obama has proposed free community college for everybody in the United States. At present, according to the American Association of...

Liberty must be balanced with order but not abandoned

Your 17-year-old daughter, diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, calmly but determinedly refuses chemotherapy. Her refusal is not based on religious beliefs; she simply...

Touching the funny bone with a single quotation

What makes great one-liners? They are often wonderful insights, plays on words or misdirections in thinking. Below are just a few of...


Before we bought our catamaran and started cruising every winter, I had a vivid picture in my mind of cruising life. We would sail...

Letter: Free market not answer to effective health care

To the editor: Dr. Bruce Ippel's column (Jan. 9, "Free market, patient protection, essential to quality health care") is a gross oversimplification...

Letter: Repealing care act good for Americans

To the editor: Americans deserve a full repeal of the Affordable Care Act. Picking around the edges of the ACA will cause...

GOP shouldn’t toss entire Democratic agenda

(Fort Wayne) News-Sentinel With only 29 of 100 House seats and 10 of 50 Senate seats, Democrats have no power in the...

Author’s tomes on good governing must-reads for all elected officials

I learned about the book “In Pursuit of Happiness and Good Government” through an article in Reason magazine leading up to the 1992 election. ...