Local Opinion

You only need six minutes to have a relaxing new year

I couldn’t help noticing that it took only six minutes. Just enough time for the second hand to make six laps around...

Private practitioner: A lost medical trust

The family doctor is romanticized in art and literature. We can see the Norman Rockwell painting now — a kindly, plump old fellow, stethoscope...

Military law good step in preventing suicides

Daily Journal The Jacob Sexton Military Suicide Prevention Act seeks to combat the scourge of military suicide. The landmark legislation...

Coughs, sneezes familiar holiday refrain

The entire family has endured a one-two punch this flu season. First it was the “Lose 4 Pounds in 24 Hours” bug...

Top 10 reasons to love (or loathe) top 10 lists

This eight-to-10 day period, depending on who’s counting, falling between just before Christmas Day to Jan. 2 or 3 is one of my favorite...

What’s the true market value of work?

Economic theorists have long wrestled with the idea of value. What is it and how can it be measured has occupied dismal scientists for...

‘Rational’ ignorance costly to our economic health

The use of government for economic “development” and economic “stimulus” is quite popular. Unfortunately, its popularity greatly exceeds what it deserves, given both theory...

Face uncertain future with determination, positivity

While wrapping Christmas presents, baking cookies and watching Netflix and during the cousin craft day, I’ve listened to an array of stories about my...

Ivy Tech program: Sky-high potential

Daily Journal An educational program that combines focused classroom lessons and hands-on application is a winner for both students and potential employers. ...

Letter: Columnists offer readers thoughtful commentaries

To the editor: Thank you for continuing to run Morton Marcus' columns. He is, as usual, right on (Dec. 11, "Big thank-you...