Local Opinion

David Hayward: Engineer addresses Taylor Road concerns


Recently, many people have asked questions and expressed concerns about the Taylor Road project. The topics have ranged from timing to roundabouts to drainage and other design features. This article is an attempt to inform the citizens of Columbus of the current status, what still needs to be done, and when it will be completed.

Michael Hicks: It’s time to be honest about debt, spending and taxation


The U.S. Congress is turning its attention to something called the Build it Back Better (BBB) bill. This is a good time to think critically about the political economy of our national debt. It is good to start with some facts and acknowledge what we do and do not know about the economic consequences of a large public debt. A big part of this is discussion must be the question of how we tax ourselves to pay for this debt.

Dick Wolfsie: Cold case


Is it just me or do you also have a tough time finding things in your refrigerator?

Mark Franke: America: Melting pot or boiling cauldron?

I learned during what many today consider the benighted 1950s about a concept termed the Melting Pot. This was taught in what we called...

Trudy Lieberman: The battle in Congress to lower prescription drug prices

In the next few weeks we’ll find out if Congress has the chops to lower the price of prescription drugs paid by Medicare beneficiaries....

Playing another round of hide and shriek

We’re thinking about getting one of those Ring doorbells that notify you on your cell phone every time someone is at the door. A lot...

Amy Dalton: Every library needs Friends

It is National Friends of the Library Week, and yes, we appreciate all of our friends, but this is about our Friends. Just what is...

Norman Knight: Hopeful we all find our purpose, whatever that may be

A good conversation starter is to share stories of how young you were when you first worked a “real job” for pay. For some of...

Michael Hicks: Market adjustments aren’t inflation

Inflation talk continues to animate the airwaves, or at least cable TV, and remains part of the political conversation. Economists should have something to...

Morton Marcus: Misinformation benefits no one

Rep. Tim Brown (R-Crawfordsville) chairs the Indiana House Ways and Means Committee, the source for tax and budget bills. He entered the House in 1994,...