Local Sports

Minor league players still struggle to get by


Under the bright lights of Victory Field, some players make less than many of their adult fans.

Brandon Butler: Time in nature improves mental health


Nature is healing. It doesn’t matter if you climb the tallest mountain, go for a stroll on a trail in a local park, cast a lure to fish in a farm pond or simply sit on a bench and listen to birds chirp. The power of nature will bring your blood pressure down, calm your thoughts, and help you see the important aspects of your life more clearly.

Mike Beas: Wentz wasn’t to blame for all Colts’ problems


One has to hand it to Carson Wentz.

Local sports roundup: March 25


Boys basketball

Boys golf: Season preview


Braxton Christie and his father Sean haven’t always quite seen eye to eye on the golf course. When he was a younger player, Braxton sometimes bristled at his dad’s instruction, something he now chalks up as “me being a dumb kid and not listening.”

Baseball: Season preview


This wasn’t how the story was supposed to go.

Local lacrosse players suit up for Wabash


Certain athletic programs at Wabash College date back to the first half of the previous century.

Softball: Season preview


Franklin wanted to shut down its revolving door of softball coaches. Kayla Craft was looking for an opportunity to settle down in Franklin.

Brandon Butler: Plenty of getaway opportunities in early spring


March may come in like a lion, but by the time it goes out like a lamb, sportsmen should be ready for a road trip. You can match the month’s waning intensity by hunting snow geese in North Dakota early, and laying dry flies in front of trout on small creeks in the Black Hills to close it out.

Local sports roundup: March 21


College swimming and diving