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David Carlson: Give the gift of mystery


If you are looking for a nearly foolproof Christmas gift idea, I have a suggestion for you to consider. And as an added bonus, I can promise that this gift will actually be good for the brains of those who receive it.

Brian Howey: Did Mike Pence save the republic?


Did Mike Pence save the republic and American democracy?

Michael Leppert: Rep. Jim Banks will be judged by the company he keeps


For more than a year, I have been patiently waiting for the arrival of the inevitable dilemma that Indiana’s Third District U.S. Rep. Jim Banks was facing. These are important days for the future of individual political careers in Washington, though it is much harder to see how the outcomes of any of these battles in the palace will be all that intriguing for Americans.

Mark Franke: The ethics of student loan debt relief


The student loan crisis is back in the news and will get much more attention now that the election is past.

GPL Column: Literacy changes lives


As children, we are often asked the question of what we would like to “be” when we grow up. My answer was always quick and confident: I wanted to be a tour guide at Walt Disney World.

Norman Knight: Holiday season about more than shopping


As I let the leftovers settle, I browse the Internet and stumble upon “Holiday Calendar,” a website with a list of special events and holidays observed and celebrated during the year. I focus on these last days of November. So, what are we supposed to celebrate now? Well, if the Holiday Calendar is accurate, this last week of the eleventh month mostly seems to be devoted to accumulating and consuming stuff.

Michael Hicks: Economic optimism and worry on Thanksgiving


Thanksgiving weekend is a fine occasion to take stock of our world and to consider honestly how our economy fares globally, nationally and locally. The economy isn’t everything, of course. Freedom, family and health matter more. However, strong economic growth is the best remedy for many vexing challenges.

John Krull: Dark money, mean politics at flood levels


The two candidates for Georgia’s U.S. Senate seat don’t have much good to say about each other.

Brian Howey: Trump/Pence 3.0 would be a far different dynamic


In gauging the dynamic of Trump/Pence 3.0, look no further than star-struck U.S. Rep. Jim Banks, R-Indiana.

Dick Wolfsie: Now hear this in stereo


I had my hearing tested recently and this week I got my new hearing aids. My wife has been bugging me to do this for a long time. I heard her, but I wasn’t really listening.