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Ryan Trares: Good time for Good Cheer


This was community generosity like nothing I’d ever seen.

David Carlson: Words of ancient wisdom for our time


This is the type of fast that I wish: to loosen the fetters of injustice … to set free those who are oppressed … to share your bread with the hungry, and to offer shelter to the homeless poor, to clothe the naked when you behold them and not turn your back on your own kin. Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your wound will quickly be healed. Isaiah 58:5-8

Morton Marcus: An improved goal for colleges


An improved goal for colleges

Letter to the editor: Time to move on


To the Editor:

JCPL Column: Navigating your history with the library


Have you ever wondered how you could possibly be related to Uncle Bob or Aunt Molly? It is at times when we gather with family and friends that we hear stories about people and places that we know little about. Sometimes we even hear a story that is unexpected and leaves us with questions.

Norman Knight: Change can be good for you


To live is to grow and to grow is to change. Not sure of the origin of that thought, but it has a ring of truth to it.

Michael Hicks: Black Friday is changing


It is Thanksgiving week, and for many that means another Black Friday shopping experience. I must say, there’s really nothing quite like hitting the 1:30 a.m. sales after a long day of turkey and pumpkin pie. Whether you view that as enjoyable, or quite the opposite, there’s reason to expect this tradition is changing. There are growing supply and demand-side reasons why much of the Black Friday bacchanalia will be very different in the years to come.

John Krull: Thanksgiving and gratitude in tough times


This Thanksgiving, my gratitude will be hard-earned.

Leo Morris: Principles are why we vote


There is an old joke whose origins are unknown but which you have probably heard in more than one movie or TV show. P.J. O’Rourke borrowed it for the title of one of his cynical books about politics:

Dick Wolfsie: Dick in ‘Jeopardy’


In last week’s column, I speculated on what personal recollections my wife might share during the “chat” portion of the show “Jeopardy!” if she were a contestant. All of Mary Ellen’s responses were totally true stories. This week, I cover what I would say if I were accepted to be one of the three challengers. Again, all my answers are what really happened.