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Lee Hamilton: A trying time for American elections


As the November general election approaches, I’ve been struck by the rise of an unusual type of news coverage. It’s focused not on the campaigns, but on the running of elections themselves.

Dr. Richard Feldman: Politics and health don’t mix


It’s been a long two and a half years. COVID-19 disrupted everyday life, education, personal finances, businesses, health care and the economy.Serious illness and death became an all-too-common fact of everyday life.

GPL Column: Gaming together at the library


For years I dreamed of being an aunt. I couldn’t wait for my brothers to start having kids of their own so that I could have cute children in my life without the responsibility of actually having to raise them.

Norman Knight: Reflections on the last 20 years


October is almost over which means the special media focus on National Breast Cancer Awareness Month will be coming to a close. Throughout this month we have been reminded by features in our local newspaper as well as in the national media that awareness of a problem is the first step to a solution. Although breast cancer research goes on year-round, designating a particular month to focus on the disease surely is a helpful tool in the battle.

Michael Hicks: The badness of National Conservatism ideology


Conservatism is in the midst of profound change. At least, what passes for conservative intellectualism and its application to public policy is in the midst of change. As a man who embraced most of Reagan-era conservatism, I watch this with considerable interest and worry. It is early enough to think through some of the developing parts and what they mean.

Niki Kelly: Transparency needed on Boone County economic development project


The Indiana Economic Development Corporation’s handling of an attempt to create a massive high-tech park in Boone County leaves a lot to be desired.

Ryan Trares: Math homework doesn’t add up


I thought it was a scourge that was behind me.

Dick Wolfsie: Tour de force


I’m not a fan of bus tours. I either fall asleep in the middle of the guide’s presentation, forget everything I heard, or am suspicious of the accuracy of the information presented. They could be making it all up.

David Carlson: Listening to nature


One of the most familiar Zen koans, or puzzles, is the question, “If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”