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David Carlson: The breaking point


The phrase “something has to give” is a warning that applies to a variety of situations.

Larry DeBoer: Indiana state balances could trigger more refunds


Mid-July is number-cruncher nirvana if you follow the Indiana state budget. That’s when the Indiana State Budget Agency releases its closeout for the previous fiscal year. This year the glorious day fell on Friday, July 15, and we learned one astounding fact: At the end of June, the end of the fiscal year 2022, Indiana’s balances were $6.1 billion.

Hearts and Darts



Morton Marcus: INtro to INdiana: Part 5


This final dive into the 2019 gross domestic product, or GDP, county data for 21 Indiana industry sectors begins with a reminder: the federal “disclosure policy,” which intends to protect the privacy of business firms, makes it impossible to give a reasonably complete picture of the economy in 76 of Indiana’s 92 counties.

Norman Knight: Aging gracefully on the marketplace


A question is making the rounds in some circles: At 79, is Joe Biden too old to be President?

GPL Column: Volunteering is foundation of libraries


Two years ago, I received a call asking if I would be interested in joining the Greenwood Library Foundation. And I’ll be honest—my first thought was “am I old enough?” I was in my late 30s and working full-time, and my assumption was that all library foundations and “Friends” groups were really reserved for retirees with time on weekdays for volunteer events.