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John Krull: What a long, strange trip it’s been


NEW YORK—The book sits on a crowded shelf in a small used bookstore on the Upper West Side.

Michael Leppert: The power of making words matter


Politico’s West Wing Playbook recently reported President Joe Biden has a “potty mouth.”

Leo Morris: A mayor redefines ‘citizen’


Several years ago, I wrote an editorial about the effects of some policy or other on the citizens of Fort Wayne, and a copy editor gave me a hard time about it.

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Police deal leaves much latitude for use of force


The (Fort Wayne) Journal Gazette

We can’t let our lives be dominated by fear


“Be afraid. Be very afraid. It’s dangerous out there.”

Library presents a way to remember the good times


Do you remember your first after-school job?

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: The courage to stand up to election misinformation in Florida


Florida’s supervisors of elections, a bipartisan group of professional public servants who keep their personal politics out of their offices, have issued a strong and timely statement in response to the most serious danger our nation has faced since the Civil War.

Karl W. Smith: The US economy is better than it looks


The U.S. economy was weaker than expected in the third quarter, which is bad news for any American whose livelihood depends on strong economic growth and especially disappointing for the White House, which is struggling to reassure voters about the state of the economy amid rising prices and a historic supply crunch. Overall growth in the third quarter was 2%, a fair step down from rates of 4.5% and 6.7% the U.S. economy logged in the first and second quarters.

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: State AG owes Shabazz an explanation or an apology


Political commentator and journalist Abdul-Hakim Shabazz was denied access to a recent news conference by Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita, which is troubling when no valid reason is given.

Michael Hicks: Who can fix our supply chain issues?


Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg received a great deal of criticism lately for taking paternity leave. It is a time of snarled port traffic, understocked grocery shelves and growing worry about supply chains. I think these critiques are in bad faith and unworthy of an intellectually confident political movement. But, that’s where we are now. Congress could spend serious effort to ease logistics problems in any number of ways; the private sector is already at work. Outside of complaints about Mr. Buttigieg, Congress has been silent on the matter. Let me make three points.