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Norman Knight: Remember to touch grass


The other morning I was indulging myself by visiting one of the online daily news summaries I often frequent. My eyes skimmed across the computer screen consuming the latest happenings that some editor thought was important enough, or silly enough to share with the other eyes locked onto the site. Nothing new, really, mostly the Same Old Same Old: Political twists and ego schemes, wars and rumors of wars, etc. — when my orbs were stopped by a term I was not familiar with: “touch grass.”

Ryan Trares: Course of action


“I’m bored.”

Brian Howey: Trump’s Hoosiers passing on a second term


In late spring of 2016, even as Donald J. Trump won the Indiana presidential primary with 53.6% of the vote, the Republican establishment was slow to come around. Gov. Mike Pence had given his milquetoast endorsement to Sen. Ted Cruz. Only former GOP Chair Rex Early and Sullivan County Chairman Bill Springer were on board with the Manhattan billionaire when the national convention delegates were announced.

David Carlson: Caretakers of stories


Writing non-fiction and fiction for nearly 30 years hadn’t prepared me for the eager response that I received when I began offering writing workshops. In my first workshop in a small town in northern Wisconsin, a wide-range of people attended, who wanted to write poetry, fiction, historical non-fiction, devotions, family histories and memoirs.