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GPL Column: Spend your Spring Break at GPL


Are you tired of cold weather?

Norman Knight: Hats off to the math whiz


I am not a complex numbers person. My eyes glaze over when I try to focus on things like the maneuverings of high finance.

Michael Hicks: Remote work through the eyes of three 20-somethings


It must be said again and again that 48.2% of college graduates in the U.S. were working remotely, according to the February 2023 Census survey. That number is up slightly from late 2021, suggesting that remote work is here to stay.

John Krull: Who speaks for mom and pop?


In 2018, then President Donald Trump signed into law a “reform” of the Dodd-Frank financial oversight law.

Niki Kelly: Economic disclosures prompt concerns, suggestions


Earlier this session, a senator sat on a bench and casually asked me — while waving the yellow statement of economic interest form in his hand — does anyone even read these?

Dick Wolfsie: If this old camera could talk


Returning from our vacation in the Virgin Islands last month, I sent my digital camera through the scanner at the airport.

Ryan Trares: Boys night out


The boys were on their own and on the town.

David Carlson: The power of passion


As is true of many who have been blessed to be teachers, I had one overriding hope for my time with students. I hoped that they would see that teaching was not just my job, but my passion, something I loved.

Michael Leppert: Fox News is no longer the press


The competition for trust and credibility in the press are far from new. This struggle dates back to at least the late 1800s when the “yellow journalism” battle between moguls Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst dominated the New York media market. Both were fighting for circulation and ultimately, you know, profit.

Ken de la Bastide: It’s time to end annual DST debate


It happens twice a year in Indiana: the great debate on whether the state should observe daylight saving time, which took effect Sunday when our clocks moved ahead one hour.