Climate / Environment

Earth Day: Rehabilitated sea turtle released in Florida Keys

MARATHON, Fla. — Staff from the Florida Keys-based Turtle Hospital released a rehabilitated loggerhead sea turtle back to the ocean on Thursday to mark...

Mexican president pushes controversial reforestation plan

<p>KOPOMA, México &mdash; Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador made a strong push Thursday for his oft-questioned tree-planting program, trying to get the United...

In Romania, ‘modern slaves’ burn noxious trash for a living

<p>Vidra, Romania &mdash; In the trash-strewn slums of Sintesti, less than 10 miles from Romania’s capital, Mihai Bratu scrapes a dangerous living for his...

Unmute, please: Echoes, glitches resound in virtual summit

WASHINGTON — Climate. Climate. Macron. Macron again. Beep. Beep. Beep. Can someone please tell Vladimir Putin he’s on live? Mr. President, Mr. President? ...

Mayors ask Biden to be included in climate migration study

<p>SAN DIEGO &mdash; The mayors of a dozen major U.S. cities, including Los Angeles, New York City, and San Diego, are asking President Joe...

A farmer to chefs reveals his deep vegetable knowledge

<p>NEW YORK &mdash; Despite thousands of years of humans working the soil, there are still things to learn. Just ask Farmer Lee Jones about...

Australia plans to spend $417 M on hydrogen, carbon capture

CANBERRA, Australia — Australia’s prime minister has proposed spending an extra 539 million Australian dollars ($417 million) on hydrogen and carbon sequestration projects, seeking...

Germany vows to boost cycling as part of climate effort

<p>BERLIN &mdash; Germany, home to the Autobahn and a powerful motor industry, wants its citizens to spend less time driving and more time cycling...

Dems push $25B to electrify school buses, a Biden priority

WASHINGTON — Democratic lawmakers are unveiling legislation that would invest $25 billion to convert the nation’s fleet of gasoline- and diesel-powered school buses to...

EU reaches major climate deal ahead of Biden climate summit

BRUSSELS — The European Union reached a tentative climate deal that should make the 27-nation bloc climate-neutral by 2050, with member states and parliament...