Science & Technology

Automotive chip maker says it’s nearly recovered from blaze

DETROIT — A fire-damaged Japanese factory that supplies many of the auto industry's computer chips is producing about 88% of what it was making...

Biden to suspend oil leases in Alaska’s Arctic refuge

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration is suspending oil and gas leases in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as it review environmental impacts of drilling...

Philly police officer fired over Facebook posts reinstated

PHILADELPHIA — The Philadelphia police department has reinstated an officer fired in 2019 over Facebook posts saying among other things that refugees should “starve...

Top journal editor to resign in fallout over racism podcast

The embattled chief editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association is resigning amid a probe of his handling of a podcast on...

US seizes 2 domain names used in cyberespionage campaign

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department said Tuesday that it has seized two domain names used in a cyberespionage campaign that targeted U.S. and foreign...

Donor’s concerns voiced before Hannah-Jones’ tenure stalled

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — A major University of North Carolina donor whose name is on its journalism school voiced concerns about the school's hiring...

Texas’ fix after blackout doesn’t dwell on climate change

AUSTIN, Texas — Texas' biggest fix to February's deadly winter blackout that left more than 4 million people without power puts new attention on...

Study blames climate change for 37% of global heat deaths

More than one-third of the world’s heat deaths each year are due directly to global warming, according to the latest study to calculate the...

In post-pandemic Europe, migrants will face digital fortress

PEPLO, Greece — As the world begins to travel again, Europe is sending migrants a loud message: Stay away! ...

Nations begin 3 weeks of grueling climate talks online

BERLIN — Officials from around the globe begin three weeks of grueling climate talks Monday that will involve grappling with a number of thorny...