Summer swelter trend: West gets hotter days, East hot nights

As outlandish as the killer heat wave that struck the Pacific Northwest was, it fits into a decades-long pattern of uneven summer warming across...

Royal Caribbean opens cruise ship to house visiting rescuers

MIAMI — With housing options dwindling, a cruise ship will host hundreds of rescuers pouring into South Florida from across the country as the...

Proposal would ban mink farming to stem coronavirus mutation

COLUMBIA, S.C. — A bipartisan proposal in the U.S. House would ban the farming of mink fur in the United States in an effort...

‘Nobody’s winning’ as drought upends life in US West basin

TULELAKE, Calif. — Ben DuVal knelt in a barren field near the California-Oregon border and scooped up a handful of parched soil as dust...

Experts question if WHO should lead pandemic origins probe

BEIJING — As the World Health Organization draws up plans for the next phase of its probe of how the coronavirus pandemic started, an...

NOT REAL NEWS: A look at what didn’t happen this week

Posts mislead on delta variant data CLAIM: Data from the U.K.’s...

Death toll from Northwest heat wave expected to keep rising

SEATTLE — Each day, more deaths are being linked to the heat wave that struck the Pacific Northwest this past week, with medical staff...

Jeff Bezos picks female aerospace pioneer to launch with him

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — Blue Origin’s Jeff Bezos has chosen an early female aerospace pioneer — an 82-year-old pilot denied astronaut wings decades ago...

Delta variant exploits low vaccine rates, easing of rules

The latest alarming coronavirus variant is exploiting low global vaccination rates and a rush to ease pandemic restrictions, adding new urgency to the drive...

Does new Alzheimer’s drug work? Answers may miss 2030 target

WASHINGTON — When a controversial Alzheimer’s drug won U.S. approval, surprise over the decision quickly turned to shock at how long it might take...