Father’s love has helped shape life, encourage success

When I was a toddler, barely able to grasp a dime or quarter in my chubby toddler hand, he was the first man in my life to give me some change so I could put it in the church offering.

When I was 4, I sang at Clowes Hall as the youngest of the “Hommel Sisters,” which developed into the Hommel Family Band. The guitarist and pianist modeled that practice makes you prepared — the first person to teach me that practice is a combination of hard work and fun.

When I was 9, he taught me how to forgive and show compassion when a 16-year-old neighbor with Down syndrome named Jackie was caught throwing rocks at me. Instead of a spanking, which I initially thought she deserved, he sat her down, spoke kindly to her while tucking her hair behind her ears and simply explained why it is “not nice to throw rocks at ‘Jannie.’”

When I was in 13 years old and unable to make a free throw for the school’s new girls team, he coached me on how to throw an underhanded free throw, or granny-shot, like Rick Barry.

When I was in college and a little unsure of myself, he wrote and mailed me an encouraging letter saying that “Your mom and I know you will choose to do the right things.”

When I was 28 years old, he walked me down the aisle and I realized I was marrying a solid, hardworking, but joyful man of God — like someone I had known for a long time.

When my husband and I began our family, I saw the man in a different light, but he was the same. He got down on the floor to play with my daughters, attended their sports events, plays and music recitals — always giving them a quick hug, encouraging word and expressing that he was proud of them.

He was the first man to hold me as a baby and the first man to model how to love and cherish your spouse. He taught me to how to tithe, how to sing, how to forgive, how to work and play hard, how to love God and your family.

The first man that ever loved me turned 87 years old this week. Happy birthday Frank Ray Hommel. Happy birthday Dad.

<em>Janet Hommel Mangas grew up on the east side of Greenwood. The Center Grove</em>
<em>area resident and her husband are the parentsof three daughters. Send comments</em>
<em>to [email protected].</em>