Letter: Trump takes all the credit, none of the blame

To the editor:

Firstly, thank you Ms. Holeman (“Border wall is not what America is about,” June 14) and Mr. Gotshall (“Representatives must stand against Trump’s racist remarks,” Jan. 28) for their letters about the impending doom of our democracy and the “ego driver’s wall.”

Trump makes me want to vomit. He makes me ashamed to be an American.

However, the youth of our country make me extremely proud to be an American. I believe they have accomplished more on the gun control issue than any of our ancient and afraid lawmakers in Washington have ever done. They do not fear the NRA at all!

Trump (he has not earned the respect to be called president), is guilty of making the United States a laughing stock around the globe. We are no longer respected.

No. 1: We’re still waiting on that tax audit to be finished from the 2016 campaign.

No. 2: A sitting president connected to a porn star, a beauty contestant and who knows how many others? He is immoral, belligerent and disrespectful to women.

No. 3: Telling a Gold Star mother whose son was killed in action “He knew what he was getting into when he signed up.” How cruel!

No. 4: Mocking an American with disabilities in a wheelchair by flinging his arms uncontrollably. How cruel!

No. 5: Shaking hands with a killer dictator and saying “I trust him.” How stupid!

No. 6: The most horrendous of all: ripping children from the arms of their parents, then putting them in cages. Cages!!

The Russian tariffs, the trade wars, putting down leaders of other great nations that at one time called us friends.

He takes “credit” for everything that goes right and nothing that goes wrong. The summit was possible due to the North and South Korean Olympic athletes and the leader of the South Korea, not Trump! If there is a Nobel (Peace Prize) it should go to them.

Let’s drain the swamp by first voting him out of office. Then fumigate the oval office to get that stench out!

Please get out and vote Johnson County. There’s a huge tumor on our country. Let’s fix it.

Patricia Randolph
