Letter: Take back the government of, by and for people

To the editor:

The conservative propaganda machine is now in high gear in Indiana — against Senator Joe Donnelly and for the Supreme Court nominee. Lie and deny. Tell a big lie over and over and people will begin to believe it.

These are strategies right out of Goebbels’s playbook which we will see more and more as we approach November. I hope voters can see and think past this propaganda. The conservatives in Congress display their payback to corporate and wealthy donors and their brutality toward ordinary people every day. The White House displays its incompetence, ignorance and lack of integrity every hour. Both Congress and the Administration are shrinking America, not making it great.

On the world stage we are becoming a shriveled prune with a leader that cannot be trusted and lies about everything. They tout an economic boom which has been fueled by the momentum of the Obama recovery. They boast about the effect of tax cuts that have not yet happened.

We need middle-of-the-road common sense, not fantasy land. For working people, Republicans have failed at every step and conservatives keep widening the economic gap favoring business and wealthy investors. Common-sense Independents and Democrats need to take back the driver’s seat and make America once again a government of the people, by the people and for the people — not of, by and for corporations and the wealthy.

Donald A. Smith
