Letter: Please check facts on Russians, vacations, economy and more

To the editor:

I was a little taken back by the letter from Floyd Shirrell ("Remember the meltdowns, and don’t push middle America to strike back," Sept. 22) and wish to address my concerns

1) Mr. Shirrell claimed voting for Trump was better than voting for Hillary. I respectfully disagree. You may believe now that the tax plan Trump put into place was a good idea but non-partisan experts have found the plan will benefit the very rich and do little for the rest of us.

2) Mr. Shirrell claims Hillary and her loony left blame their loss on Russia interference. Over a dozen U.S. intelligence agencies concur that the Russians interfered in our elections with the intent of harming the Hillary campaign. We’ll never know how much this harmed the Hillary campaign.

3) Mr. Shirrell says "Democrats are looney, just look at who they’re putting in office." Do you know that our president has told falsehoods or misleading claims more than 4,000 times already? (Washington Post, Aug. 1, 2017).

Trump is actually the one living in "nano nano" (your words) land and not the real world! It’s true. Only someone truly "looney" would lie that many times.

It’s also true that Americans live better under Democrats than Republicans! Factcheck.Org on Oct. 20, 2015 posted that an analysis found GDP, employment and income was better under Dems over 64-year period examined. Under this 64-year period, 41 of the 49 quarters that suffered a recession were under Republican rule. Trump inherited the growing economy that President Obama put in place after inheriting the worst economy since the great depression.

Our hard-working president has also vacationed more than previous presidents and makes money every time he goes to one of his golf resorts. He has already vacationed more than President Obama did.

In closing, I urge you to watch more than Fox TV and start visiting the fact checking sites. I respect your opinion and right to have one, but facts are facts. There is no such thing as alternate truth.

Patty Sears
