Letter: Residents can vote hassle free using options already available

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>Anyone who is eligible and wants to vote in Johnson County can easily do so. My husband and I have never missed an election and never waited in line more than 20 minutes in the 44 years we have lived in Johnson County.</p><p>The first experience being Precinct #2 in White River Township, having over 2,000 registered voters in 1974 (approximately). I think White River only had two precincts at that time. I have been poll worker, inspector and precinct committee-woman. At that time no electronic machines and license branches didn’t have to work extra hours to accommodate those voters who choose to wait until the last minute for identification, as it wasn’t required.</p><p>Now to those who want to vote easily:</p><p>Call voter registration at 317-346-4466 about six weeks before the next election and ask to be sent an absentee ballot form. In a few days you will receive a form. Fill out marked areas needed and place your and any other request forms in an envelope and mail to designated address. You will receive your absentee ballot in the mail and can complete it in the comfort of your own home (no line, inclement weather conditions and if writing implement runs out of ink, no problem). After you have voted, simply place ballot into postage provided envelope and mail.</p><p>Also, there is the roving board who will come to your home with a ballot and see that you get to vote. For information on that call voter registration.</p><p>Very little effort is required of the voter. We don’t need to make more laws or spend more money to ensure that you get to vote if you aren’t going to take advantage of options available. Understandably, problems do arise, but fortunately we have not encountered them.</p><p>P.S. Total cost to our family — one 50 cent stamp. Not nearly the cost of a gallon of gas.</p><p><p><strong>Carolee Fischer</strong></p><p><p><strong>Greenwood</strong></p>