Letter: Walls, locks protect homes, so why not the country?

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>This is for you folks that oppose “The Wall.” Most of the wealthy who for some reason oppose the wall have walls around their own residences and many have armed guards.</p><p>I bet all of you have your own walls. It has been said that a man’s home is his castle. The walls of his castle are not only to keep out the weather, but also to keep out those not authorized to enter. Your “castle” is protected by walls with locks. This is to insure the sanctity of your domain, even though you probably have pleasant, honest neighbors. There are locks on the doors and also on each and every window.</p><p>Even inside there are locks on bedroom and bathroom doors. Your automobile has four or five or more locks in its system.</p><p>Many “castles” have advanced security systems that call the police in the advent of breached walls. Some people legally have armed themselves to insure the safety of their families and their property. The lot on which your “castle” is built is yours to do as you wish and no one has the right to camp on it without your permission. All these safeguards you take for granted for your own safety and property, but it is curious to me that you don’t choose to allow the same for your and my own country.</p><p><p><strong>James C. Toney</strong></p><p><p><strong>Franklin</strong></p>