Letter: Resident disappointed in Greenwood leaders approving warehouses

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>As a 13-year resident of Homecoming at University Park, I’m more than a little disturbed to read that another speculative warehouse project is being built directly behind my community just south of the Amazon facility.</p><p>On Graham Road, to the north of my community there are several “speculative” warehouses that have been sitting empty for over a year. When questioned at a Chamber event last year, Mayor Mark Myers stated emphatically, “they were not warehouses but distribution centers.” Unless they are distributing air, they sure look like warehouses with FOR LEASE signs in the front.</p><p>It appears we homeowners who reside east of I-65 are going to be living in “Warehouse City.” Do we really need more warehouses that will sit empty for who knows how long?</p><p>I’m seriously disappointed with the mayor for giving out misleading information about these empty buildings and I’m especially upset with the city council for granting even more abatements to builders who build spec warehouses without any concern to the nearby residential areas.</p><p><p><strong>Judith R. Olds</strong></p><p><p><strong>Greenwood</strong></p>