Letter: Inmates should be put to work

To the editor:

People, people, people, they want to raise our taxes to build a new jail. Personally, I think I pay enough taxes. They say they need more room. There are inmates sleeping on the floor. They only have a blanket and one pillow. The ones in jail are there for breaking the law. If they want a better place, get a job like me.

Instead of a jail, lets put up a 16-foot fence with razor sharp, barbed wire. Inmates will be issued a pup tent every six months. Most inmates have family where the support (money) comes from. The chuck holes can be filled by inmates, the snow on the sidewalks can be removed by inmates. Lets put them back to work for the things they want.  In other words, bring back the chain  gang.

Not to change the subject, lets start giving drug tests for government aide. Food stamps, Medicaid, just to name a few.

Jimmy Brown
