Keys to kick-starting your goals in the new year

I still remember my best friend’s phone number. Mind you, we were in the sixth grade and neither of us lives anywhere near where we once did. If I called that number, who knows who would pick up the line today.

The reason I remember the number is simply this: I once dialed the number on a daily basis. And we would talk for hours on end. We tend to stay in touch via Facebook Messenger these days. But for an era, we both rocked the phones in our respective kitchens stretching out their long, tangled cords.

Today, I rarely talk on the phone. In fact, I avoid talking on the phone if at all possible. What was once a simple pleasure has become something I’d rather not do altogether. Some days, I give myself a pep talk to pick up the phone and dial to make appointments or handle matters that can only be addressed via phone.

We all have stumbling blocks that prevent progress — or sometimes even getting started. Maybe yours is reconciling your checkbook or tackling bill pay. Or perhaps you hate going to the grocery store. From a big work project to folding the laundry, it’s easy to shut down even on the simplest of tasks. As we look toward a new year and a new decade, let’s work through some strategies to help us begin well.

Gather your courage

Hesitancy to start is often rooted in fear. Granted, not wanting to do the dishes may be more about our own laziness or desire to watch Netflix instead. However, when it comes to both big and small challenges, we often shy away from beginning because we’re afraid.

It’s okay to be scared. But it’s not okay to ignore what needs to be done. And sometimes that requires us to edge into the waters of the unknown. You may fail. You may get hurt. You may need to sacrifice. But you may also succeed. You may heal. You may find sacrifice worthwhile and fulfilling.

Recognize fear may be holding you back, but don’t let it limit you.

Start small

Running a marathon begins by learning to run a mile. Paying off $127,000 in debt starts with $1. Believe me, I know. Working toward a healthy relationship starts with a simple conversation.

Rather than allowing your heart to be overwhelmed, focus on what experts call “the next right thing.” It may be picking up the phone and making an appointment or creating a budget or sending an email. Focus on doing one small thing after another instead of trying to achieve a mammoth goal in one day.

Resource yourself well

I hate to tell you this, but you’re not special. Someone else has faced what you’re going through right now and arrived where you want to be. Your circumstance may have its own special nuances, but you can learn from both the mistakes and successes of others.

A simple internet search might reveal a video or a podcast or an article to help you in your own personal quest. Or you may need to take a trip to the local library to check out a book or two. Surrounding yourself with wise and encouraging voices both bolsters your confidence and informs your experience. Don’t discount the knowledge of someone who has already walked a similar path.

Focus on the end game

For most of us, “they lived happily ever after” has a better ring to it than “once upon a time.” After all, the first page of the book is filled with the challenges and difficulties a hero faces before they find the happily ever after. Slaying a dragon isn’t as fun as living in the castle after it’s over. But in order to make it to the end of the book, you have to read the earlier pages. And to achieve a goal, you have to walk through the necessary steps.

To help keep your eyes focused on the final destination, consider creating a visual to help you remain focused. Whether that’s a vision board or simply keeping a running list of what you will do once you achieve your goal, place those reminders in your daily path. Knowing where you’re headed will help you to keep going when challenges arise.

Guess what? If you’re struggling to begin, you’re not alone. Few of us get up in the morning chomping at the bit to do hard things. But we all know making difficult choices to move us toward the future is how change happens. At some point, you have to hold your breath and dive into the deep end. Exhilaration often follows the scary and challenging beginning. Take that first small step today.