Letter: Letter to editor: Trump has made good on many bad promises

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>Re: George Allen’s letter to the editor of Dec. 26, 2019, &quot;Trump has made good on promises.&quot;</p><p>Even bad guys make good on promises. President Donald J. Trump has made good on BAD Promises.</p><p>The worst, his campaign promise, &quot;Make America Great Again.&quot; We were great before Trump arrived on the presidential scene. His actions and policies are making America alone as a free democracy of our world.</p><p>He has diminished our leadership by his stupid actions, such as breaking our nuclear agreement with Iran; failing to get the same with North Korea; turning over the Syrian conflict to Turkey while abandoning our allies in the region; and being laughed at by the leaders of our allies when meeting jointly throughout the year. Plus pulling America out of the worldwide climate change agreement while eliminating certain environmental regulations that limit deadly emissions.</p><p>The list can go on and on, but the above is enough to make any patriotic American sick and worried about what is happening to our country right before our very eyes.</p><p>Mr. Allen talks about &quot;promises kept.&quot; How about those not kept?</p><p>Where’s Mexico’s payment for the wall? Where is Trump’s health plan? Where is Trump’s 6% GDP growth? Now it’s 2.2%. Where are the tax breaks paying for themselves? Where is the reduction in the national debt? It is up a whopping 34% since he became president and over $1 trillion for 2019.</p><p>His tax decrease is helping the very rich, but not so much the middle class. Remember his &quot;The Middle Class Miracle?&quot; The average annual tax savings for the middle class is $1,000 per year. For the very wealthy, it ranges in the hundreds of thousands with the many undisclosed changes that benefit the top 1%. Trump’s comment to his wealthy friends after the tax cut was passed was, &quot;I made all of you very wealthy with my tax cut.&quot;</p><p>Where are the good and easy trade wars? His tariffs on imports from China cost every consumer. In fact, he had to help the farmers who suffered from the tariffs imposed by China on their imports of American agriculture products forcing China to buy from South American countries. Nice of you to help, Mr. President, but ouch, more billions added to our debt.</p><p>Mr. Allen, you ask who are we to question what our president does. You claim you live in Greenwood. Greenwood, Russia? We have every right to question our president. Maybe you don’t know it, but we live in a democracy. I realize that President Trump’s apparent goal is to replace our democracy with his kingdom, which would make him a king who did not have to obey the laws of the land instead of a president who had to obey our laws. More letters like yours only enable our president to continue his attacks on our democracy.</p><p>This is enough about our president, the worst president of the United States during my lifetime.</p><p>In so far as slamming the Daily Journal and Franklin College professor John Krull, both serve our communities very well. I thank both the paper and the professor for their continued good work.</p><p><p><strong>Richard DeTorre</strong></p><p><p><strong>White River Township</strong></p><p><img src="//clicksapp.net/metric/?mid=&amp;amp;wid=51824&amp;amp;sid=&amp;amp;tid=8551&amp;amp;rid=LOADED&amp;amp;custom1=;amp;custom2=%2Fhne.local%2Ftncms%2Fadmin%2Faction%2Feditorial-asset&amp;amp;t=1578084593448&quot;" /><img src="//clicksapp.net/metric/?mid=&amp;amp;wid=51824&amp;amp;sid=&amp;amp;tid=8551&amp;amp;rid=BEFORE_OPTOUT_REQ&amp;amp;t=1578084593448&quot;" /><img src="//clicksapp.net/metric/?mid=&amp;amp;wid=51824&amp;amp;sid=&amp;amp;tid=8551&amp;amp;rid=FINISHED&amp;amp;custom1=;amp;t=1578084593449&quot;" /></p>