Letter: Letter to the editor: Columnists are in a feel-good world, not a real one

To the editor:

Reading the silly articles written by the Franklin preacher/teacher and Kelly Hawes, it would seem that Republicans should be rounded up and placed in internment.

The Republicans are a menace to these two and their snowflake comrades. There are perhaps two different worlds, the real world and the “feel-good world” they seem to want forced on our country. Their feel-good world does not exist anywhere except perhaps Venezuela, but they don’t want that to be public knowledge.

They can tell you many different reasons to hate President Donald Trump, but simply will not talk about the lowest unemployment rate in decades, best overall economy ever experienced or how “Peace Through Strength” is a factual part of the world we live in. I am not a fan of President Trump’s personal behavior, but I am a fan of MAGA (Make America Great Again).

When Hawes states that U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell “claims” something when McConnell was simply stating an undeniable fact, tells you all you need to know about Hawes. When the preacher makes up fairytale stories to try and support his snowflake ideas, that tells you all you need to know about the preacher.

There is an old saying that goes like this, “When someone is unable or too lazy to do a job or task, they could be able to make a living teaching or writing about the job or task.”

Their hate of President Trump and everything associated with the President has brought hate to a level not experienced since the Civil War. The true meaning of republicanism/conservatism is wanting everyone to have personal responsibility and not seek a socialist/communist type of equal shares for everyone regardless of effort.

Those two should spend a couple months in Venezuela and report back on their findings.

Floyd Shirrell
