Letter: We The People come in second, always

To the editor:

The stranglehold of business interests on U.S. politicians is displayed in technicolor by the list of 47 treaties the U.S. has participated in but left unsigned and unratified.

All of these are for the protection and betterment of people and the environment in which U.S. scientists and negotiators have constructively contributed and agreed upon. While people with knowledge and integrity work hard to hammer out the agreements with due consideration of national interests, selfish, commercial interests work behind the scenes to stymie any change that might affect their profitability.

There is nothing wrong with honest, reasonable profits but there are no checks and balances on blatant rip-offs except government regulation and oversight, which includes international treaties. Unfortunately, in the current structure of the federal government, the foxes are in the hen house at every turn.

Every regulatory commission is overwhelmed with commercial appointees, in the guise of “expertise.” The interests of the people are sold out by both elected and appointed officials to satisfy big donor preferences. We have no checks and balances on commercial influence in either political party, not even the Supreme Court.

Welcome to the updated version of 1984, not with government watching you, but Facebook, Google, Equifax, Experian, TransUnion, political pollsters and big data miners knowing all about each of us.

The businesses who purchase the data available about us have an indirect stranglehold on us as well as on the politicians. Until we demand and underwrite a new breed of politician who is not beholden to business donors, business interests will continue to dominate our politics and our individual lives.

We need a business-free government. Business is a dominant force that can take care of itself. Government needs to be the defender of people’s interests and let business fend for itself. Most governments, especially in Indiana, have it backwards, and We, The People, come in second every time.

Donald A Smith
