Letter: I won’t submit to your complicity

To the editor: 

My Biden-voting friends are rejoicing. They have rid themselves of Trump and, as a bonus, get to savor my anguish. To them I say, “Congratulations! China is ascending, America is in decline and you helped.” Just know this, when buyer’s remorse sets in I won’t want to hear about it. Your vote, knowingly or otherwise, sanctioned all of the following:

A growing number of communities (usually those most dramatically affected) will defund their police. Those forces not yet defunded will go into self-preservation mode, halting all proactive policing. Why risk making an arrest knowing the arresting officer will incur more legal scrutiny than the individual arrested?

The rule of law will be further displaced by a two-tier legal system in which those with political connections and a solid “politically correct” standing are off limits. You’re free to burn, destroy and loot at will, but don’t you dare go without a mask or protect your life’s work being destroyed through unconstitutional edict. It isn’t conservatives terrorizing entire communities.

Free speech will increasingly be suspended. The leftist print, electronic and social media will decide what can and cannot be publicly stated and debated. Say the wrong thing, wear the wrong hat or support the wrong belief and you’ll be subjected to isolation, censorship and thuggery.

Corruption of the election processes. It is entirely the left that is OK with illegally altering voting rules and regulations just weeks prior to elections. It is the left that says, “Yes, there was fraud but it didn’t rise to the level of altering the outcome.” Is that the new standard for addressing fraud?

Why should we expect more from Democrat strongholds that have already stated theft of property valued at less than $750 isn’t actionable? Are we now to say that bank robbery isn’t actionable so long as the haul does not bankrupt the bank?

Why should we expect more from Democrat strongholds that already accept institutional performance that condemns entire generations to failure? The Baltimore school system is producing entire graduating classes that cannot read; Chicago is murdering off entire generations without notice.

The left claims to be “the party of the poor” yet think them incapable of securing a legal ID or understanding a voting deadline. The American left is lowering standards, casting off virtue, demeaning individual potential while China laughs at our internal implosion.

Don’t expect my approval or submission to your complicity in our downfall.

Mike Pflum
