Letter: Stop the build

To the editor:

Perhaps a revote is in order? No, not that one. The vote that took place in Johnson County on Dec. 2, 2019; with only 3 of 7 council members voting yes to an $8.8 million dollar library project. How does this vote stand when the majority of council members didn’t vote yes? Two council members weren’t present during the vote. The first vote remains controversial, but the economic circumstances within the county have become even more undesirable for a new library: A revote should occur.

In a time of economic uncertainty and looming budget shortfalls on the horizon, taking on unnecessary debt and raising taxes arbitrarily is dangerous. A Feeding America analysis demonstrated 54 million Americans (1 in 6 people) may experience food insecurity due to the pandemic, up from 37.2 million people pre-pandemic. Johnson County has wonderful, functional libraries, and the newest library’s features being touted include: floor-to-ceiling windows, gas fireplaces and three study rooms. Why the rush for this new library when so many residents are still struggling through this pandemic? Circumstances have changed since the initial vote, and a second, all-inclusive vote should be held.

In 2012, Johnson County residents largely voted against a new library ($30 million dollar project). This is evidence that the majority of community members are not in favor of the new library project. At bare minimum, the majority of Johnson County Council members should all vote before this tax increase is solidified. Meeting the communities’ needs is the library’s sole purpose. For many county residents this increase is significant and the economic consequences should not be downplayed.

Heather Cook
