ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Masks: Let them keep working for us

<em>This editorial was originally published April 2 by KPC News. </em>

The significant reduction in influenza activity has been attributed mainly to the precautions Hoosiers are taking to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Masking, distancing and proper hygiene have greatly reduced flu and, we hope, the spread of the coronavirus, as well as other viruses.

During the last full week of March, the majority of Indiana’s counties were rated blue — the lowest and best level — for the spread of COVID-19. And on the one-year anniversary of the pandemic, Gov. Eric Holcomb announced what many believed was the best news ever: The state mask mandate would be reduced to an advisory.

We believe Holcomb jumped the gun. Based on anecdotal evidence — visits to grocery stores and other public places where mask mandates have been loosely enforced — people have been behaving as though the mask order was rescinded on March 22 as opposed to April 6.

“We have been very clear since the outset of our desire to try to drive down deaths and hospitalization rates; they have come a long way, moving in the right direction,” Holcomb said Wednesday in his weekly address on the pandemic.

“But having said that, it’s not just one number that I focus on, it’s many numbers in terms of our ability to care for those who are hospitalized, those whose lives are threatened. We do want to make sure we keep up our surveillance,” Holcomb continued. “By no means, this is not mission accomplished. Yes, there is some personal responsibility that will be demanded if we want to continue to manage our way through this.”

Perhaps it’s just a coincidence, but in recent days the number of cases and hospitalizations for COVID-19 have started to increase ever so slightly in Indiana. Cases in Michigan have started surging at the worst rate in the nation.

According to a report from Kaiser Health News, the time has not yet come to drop mask requirements as we wait for more people to be fully vaccinated.

In the past, we have applauded our governor for being bold in the face of a sometimes unwilling public and a recalcitrant General Assembly that often doesn’t have the medical resources and guidance Holcomb has at his fingertips through the Indiana State Department of Health. But we think Holcomb got it wrong this time.

We long for the day when mask wearing becomes a thing of the past. But now is not the time to put masks aside. The governor has acted too early, and we’re afraid that like putting toothpaste back in the tube, if Indiana starts seeing another significant spike in cases, it will be next to impossible to expect people to start wearing masks again.

Or will it?

Indianapolis is going to keep its mask mandate in place. Schools will continue to require masks through the end of the school year. Trine University in Angola is keeping its strict public health policies in force until the end of its academic year. Other communities are weighing whether they should do the same.

Most importantly, we encourage individuals to stay up to date on the information and make wise choices for themselves, their loved ones and the people they don’t even know.

Wearing a mask is a sign of love and respect for others. Wearing a mask expresses gratitude for the dedicated health care workers and front line responders toiling at great personal sacrifice.

We encourage area communities, business and individuals to be bold and take action on their own.

<em>Send comments to <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>.</em>