Job Corps gave me a fighting chance

To the Editor:

I want to make a difference in the world.

This desire came after riding in countless ambulances and spending many hours in the hospital with my godmother, who was a paramedic and licensed nurse. I didn’t want to become like everyone else in my small town. I wanted to make a life that I could call my own.

So, I decided to go to Atterbury Job Corps. The program changed my life, and it could do the same for you.

During high school, I was often ill with various health issues and eventually dropped out. I saw no point in going because I was so behind. I worked two jobs and lived on my brother’s couch. My mom and brother recommended going to Job Corps so I could get things back on track. I remember thinking it was too good to be true. I thought, “Who offers this stuff for free?” I decided to see for myself, and it changed my life forever.

When I arrived at Atterbury Job Corps, I felt like I was home. I hadn’t had that feeling for a long time. I had an actual bed to sleep in (it had been over a year since I had slept in a bed), a shower, hot water and people who truly cared about me and my success.

Don’t get me wrong, just like anything else in life, there are challenging days at Job Corps. The program is what you make of it, and I am glad I chose to take full advantage of the opportunities I was given.

I graduated with a CNA license, and I am currently in the process of finishing my emergency medical technician (EMT) certification. I have had a lot of really cool experiences in the EMT program. I have been able to train in a level-one trauma center. It’s hard to witness the sadness and grief that come along with traumatic injuries, but it is also very rewarding to help people who find themselves in these difficult circumstances.

I am working to complete every certification I can before I turn 21. Once I can get more training under my belt, I hope to run a “vanbulance”, where I will drive around to provide medical care and supplies to homeless people in my area. I already give out water bottles and pillows to the homeless, and it makes me feel good. I’m excited to make these dreams come true.

Job Corps gave me a fighting chance in life. Without it, I wouldn’t be working as an ambulance driver and working my up to an EMT. I want to make a difference, even if it is only in one person’s life. I was helped along the way by so many caring people, so why not pay it forward to someone else who may need it?

Noah Harris
