Letter: Write letters in support of Trump

<strong>To the editor:</strong>

Democrat revenge campaigners (including ‘deep state’ Obama holdover obstructionists), during the past year, have unwittingly ignited, among conservative American citizens, political backfires (‘results opposite what was intended’) they don’t yet recognize! Nowhere was this unintended contretemps more evident than in the two salacious, one-sided messages featured on the Opinion Page of the Dec. 28 issue of the Daily Journal. These guys simply don’t get it; the backfires they’ve lit, continue to stoke, and consequences thereof — during months to come.

Brian Howey’s "Trump-induced disaster builds for GOP," and Franklin College Pulliam School of Journalism director John Krull’s "One more casualty in war of knowledge" op/ed pieces, in this Journal subscriber’s opinion, are laughable, given their bombastic treatment of President Trump; complete disregard of his victories during the past 12 months; and once again, their obvious ignorance of ‘the backfire effect.’

Quoting Gary Varvel, columnist, writing in the Indianapolis Star, USA Today Network, reminds us "…besides defeating ISIS, what are Trump’s wins this year?"

Sparing you the details, here’s the ever-lengthening list: tax cuts (for all), economic growth (+3 percent GDP), consumer confidence (highest in 17 years), deregulation (cut 67 Obama regulations), stock market (70 record highs), judicial appointments (‘Hail constitutionalists!’), unemployment (near 44-year low), trade deals with China, Vietnam and South Korea, immigration (border apprehensions down 41 percent), and U.S. energy (new oil pipelines under construction).

I’ve been responding for nearly a year, via letters to the editor, to unabashedly liberal columnists running amok (‘indiscriminately attacking everyone encountered’) on the Journal’s Opinion Page. Sure, some don’t like what I pen; but know what? Every published letter spawns supportive email messages, phone calls, and ‘Atta boy’ kudos from readers.

This time around however, I ask Journal aficionados to write their own letter to the editor, expressing their view on the timely topic of ‘draining the ruling class swamp’ in Washington, DC., enroute to ‘Making America Great Again!’
<p style="text-align: right"><strong>George Allen</strong></p>
<p style="text-align: right"><strong>Indianapolis</strong></p>