Letter: Donnelly’s decision-making skills in doubt

To the editor:

Fascinating, riveting, sad, conflicted are some of the sentiments offered during the Kavanaugh and Ford hearings that has featured dissension that would rival the battles fought by Spartacus himself.

This exercise was followed by what was supposed to be an orderly decision by mature individuals, including our own Sen. Joe Donnelly.

First, Sen. Donnelly was a ‘no’ vote followed by a ‘maybe.’

However, it occurred to me that if the opponents of the judge actually need to go back over 35 years to find even a sniff of poor behavior, then he’s a better person that I was in high school and beyond.

Believe me, the FBI would NOT have been hard pressed to uncover more than a few stupid choices on my part in those growing up years.

But, I digress.

At this time, the Sen. Donnelly is charged with weighing a situation where there is absolutely zero evidence beyond this allegation of unwanted groping. The “witnesses” provided by Dr. Ford in no way have supported her claims.

Serious as unwanted groping is against any person, it never rose to an actual ‘crime’ against this accomplished woman.

Waffling, even after hours and hours and hours of testimony, Sen. Donnelly was unable to accurately evaluate evidence, or the lack thereof, when it comes to Kavanaugh’s intellect and character or Dr. Ford’s allegations.

This left me wondering about all the attack ads against his current opponent, Mike Braun, alleging all sorts of dastardly misdeeds.

Hmmmmmmmmm, with zero evidence in the case of the judge, Joe Donnelly leans toward a guilty verdict against the judge.

In light of this, how can we trust that he accurately weighs ‘evidence’ of the alleged wrongdoing by Mike Braun?

Faulty reasoning and political bias has clouded his conclusion about Judge Kavanaugh.

One can reasonably assume the same would be true when it comes to allegations about Mike Braun.

Just sayin…..

Kathy Duvall
