Letter: Healthcare for immigrants is extreme, asinine plan

To the editor:

Richard Feldman, obviously unaware of the ultra-high premiums and massive deductibles with Obama "care," seems intent on bringing into the USA the failed, unworkable and economically disastrous socialist medicine we see letting people die waiting for treatment everywhere it exists, ("A look at Sanders’ Medicare for All plan," July 19). The GOP, against the seething resistance of the socialist dems, is trying to secure our borders from the ongoing invasion. Does Feldman think giving "free" healthcare to all the illegal immigrants pouring in, as the socialists want to do, would help his misguided plan become more stable? This is asinine beyond words, and a disgrace to see coming from anyone, but then, most everything coming from the left lately is asinine in the extreme. Obama was clueless as president, and his "care" is proof of it.

Tim McDowell
