
Letter: Republican candidate would follow in Burton’s footsteps

To the editor:Woody Burton has served as state representative for Indiana District 58 for 30 years. As our long-time servant, Burton recently decided to...

Letter: Enough is enough

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>I had to do a double take when I saw Whiteland Community High School band members practicing outside with masks on. I...

Letter: Enough is enough

To the editor:I had to do a double take when I saw Whiteland Community High School band members practicing outside with masks on. I...

Letter: Let’s talk about our differences of opinions

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>There are people who I might disagree with on certain issues and I would gladly discuss our differences. I would also commend...

Letter: Let’s talk about our differences of opinions

To the editor:There are people who I might disagree with on certain issues and I would gladly discuss our differences. I would also commend...

Letter: Shame on doctor for attacking bipartisanship

To the editor:Jasper surgeon Dr. Richard Moss’s column: “A freshman senator’s leftward lean” not only screamed sour grapes toward Sen. Mike Braun, but furthermore...

Letter: Ruff works for Main Street, not Wall Street

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>I’m writing in support of Andy Ruff, who represented my neighborhood on the Bloomington City Council for 20 years. A lifelong southern...

Letter: Ruff works for Main Street, not Wall Street

To the editor:I’m writing in support of Andy Ruff, who represented my neighborhood on the Bloomington City Council for 20 years. A lifelong southern...

Letter: Shame on doctor for attacking bipartisanship

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>Jasper surgeon Dr. Richard Moss’s column: “A freshman senator’s leftward lean” not only screamed sour grapes toward Sen. Mike Braun, but furthermore...

Letter: Allow nature to take course at Morgan Park

To the editor:Morgan Park is one of Franklin’s lesser known and even-less-well-used parks.It sits beside the Greenway Trail along Hurricane Creek north of King...