Local Opinion

Deadline for election letters is Oct. 17


Paid political letters to be submitted for publication in the Daily Journal before the Nov. 8 general election must be received by 5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 26. The Daily Journal publishes letters to the editor during campaign seasons in support of or in opposition to political candidates and/or parties only after a $25 fee is received.

Mark Franke: A 12-year-old tackles inflation


“I hate inflation.”

Michael Leppert: In secretary of state race, commitment to service matters


I find myself teaching this simple lesson with more enthusiasm lately: elected positions in American government exist as opportunities to serve. “Yea, yea, old man, we know that” is often the expression I see on the faces of my students when I start. Occasionally, one of them might actually say it out loud.

GPL Column: Looking to the stars


I spent my whole life in cities and suburbs where there is so much light pollution that you’re lucky to see Orion’s Belt. I grew up in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I thought I knew what the night sky looked like.

Norman Knight: Great, gorgeous gourds


Sitting at the kitchen table this early morning, I see before me nature’s infinite variety in the form of a shallow blue-gray bowl filled with five small gourds.

Reforming the Electoral Count Act should not be controversial


The U.S. House of Representatives last week passed a bill to reform how Congress certifies electors after a presidential election. That bill (or a similar but slightly weaker Senate one) needs to pass the Senate now.

Letter to The Editor: New Postmaster in town


To the Editor:

Mark Franke: The virtue of pestering


Fort Wayne, my hometown, has a telephone service that residents can use to ask questions, request city services or report situations that require attention from city departments. I’ve never used this service but I have a friend who contacts the 311 folks daily.

Mark Franke: The student loan bailout


Politicians used to “encourage” favorable votes from citizens by tapping kegs of whiskey at the polling sites. The stakes are higher these days as our representatives in Washington D.C. think much bigger both in dollars and constituents. The other difference is that those kegs of whiskey came out of the candidates’ pockets while their twenty-first successors have the federal treasury on call.

Mark Franke: The government we deserve


“Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.”