Local Opinion

Border wall won’t happen by decree

St. Louis Post-Dispatch (TNS) President Donald Trump is now scrambling to honor the multiple campaign promises that he would execute on “Day One” of his...

Interpretations of Trump depend on who is viewing

<strong>By David Carlson</strong> During the primaries, I described Donald Trump as “the last comic standing.” I obviously underestimated the man and those who took him...

Even church musicians get the blues

By Norman Knight Pastor Mary was planning a series of sermons about Seasonal Affective Disorder. She was thinking she would examine the blues that people...

Want to improve your life? Take a walk

<strong>By Orlando R. Barone</strong> Let’s take a walk. We all know what that means. I am inviting you to go out with me, on foot, and...

Want to improve your life? Take a walk

By Orlando R. Barone Let’s take a walk. We all know what that means. I am inviting you to go out with me, on foot, and...

Elect, don’t appoint, schools chief

<strong>(Anderson) Herald Bulletin</strong> Partisan bickering and the resulting gridlock can be deeply frustrating for constituents. Nothing gets done because one side won't recognize that the...

Elect, don’t appoint, schools chief

(Anderson) Herald Bulletin Partisan bickering and the resulting gridlock can be deeply frustrating for constituents. Nothing gets done because one side won't recognize that the...

Letter: Background checks required to buy guns

To the editor: I am replying to Mr. John Jefferson's assertion (letter to the editor, Jan. 24) that one cannot buy a gun over the...

Letter: Archie Bunker-esque approach with guns doesn’t work

<strong>To the editor:</strong> Rep. Jim Lucas' attempt to eliminate the licensing of handguns (House Bill 1159) is very Bunker-esque. Archie Bunker's proposed method of preventing...

Letter: Archie Bunker-esque approach with guns doesn’t work

To the editor: Rep. Jim Lucas' attempt to eliminate the licensing of handguns (House Bill 1159) is very Bunker-esque. Archie Bunker's proposed method of preventing...