Local Opinion

Cato Institute: Pence gets high marks for fiscal policy

The Cato Institute, a Washington, D.C., libertarian policy think tank, recently released its “2014 Fiscal Policy Report Card on America’s Governors.” The results are...

Texting creates pitfalls for public officials

Public officials all over the state are probably still mumbling to themselves over comments made recently by Indiana Public Access Counselor Luke Britt to...

Lilly challenge good opportunity to donate

Daily Journal Johnson County has the chance to win the lottery. Well, sort of. We have the chance to bring $1 million...

Marquis de Lafayette big hit in Jeffersonville

A half-century after the Declaration of Independence was issued, the Frenchman who helped the United States win the American Revolution returned to this country...

Letter: Critical examination of Obamacare impact needed

To the editor: Come on Daily Journal! One of the reasons I like you is you run local stories about Johnson County...

Mother who lost baby wants right words for grief

Dear Abby: My 1-year-old baby recently passed away. I have two other children, one with special needs. I find it irritating and not at...

Husband can’t erase wife’s journal about affair

Dear Abby: I have been married almost 20 years. Eight years ago my wife began an emotional affair with a co-worker. It lasted a...

Michael Hicks March 25

With the passage of House Bill 1020, Indiana is poised to perform a comprehensive and ongoing analysis of our state tax incentives. This comes...

Banning word bossy? Don’t boss me around

Dear Miss Bossy Pants, You might not remember me, but I was one of the girls you bossed around when we were...

…And preschool for all:Leaders misidentify issue

Cynic, n. A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are not as they ought to be. — The Devil’s Dictionary of Ambrose...