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John Krull: Mitch Daniels’ telling exit


Words matter to Mitch Daniels.

Morton Marcus: Three facts about the Indiana economy, which lags along


How far back should we look to evaluate where we have been and where we are going? What factors should we consider? The wise analyst/consultant picks that period of time and those factors which makes the folks paying the bill happiest.

Dick Wolfsie: Just plane ugly


I’ll be honest. I do not like to travel. I like being there; I don’t like getting there.

Ryan Trares: Gifts from the heart


Love is in the air around the Trares household.

David Carlson: The fox in the henhouse


“You’re really going to put the fox in charge of the henhouse?” That’s the question that struck me when I read recently that the United Nations appointed Sultan al-Jabar, a Mideast oil executive, to lead the climate talks this fall in the United Arabs Emirates.

Larry DeBoer: Hoosier farmland property tax misery has company


Farmland assessments for property taxes are going up. So are home, rental housing and business assessments. Property tax misery has a lot of company.

Lee Hamilton: A lawmaker’s impossible task


I don’t remember when it first occurred to me after arriving in Washington many years ago that at its heart, being a member of Congress meant never being entirely satisfied. And that this state of affairs is baked into our form of government. But despite moments of immense fulfillment, it remained a central tension throughout my time in office — as it has been for most legislators since the founding of the republic.