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Michael Hicks: Remarkable productivity growth in hospitality and tourism


Fall is a time for inexpensive conferences and parent weekends at colleges, and so, over the last month, I’ve been traveling extensively in the eastern half of the country. Some folks enjoy travel for the beautiful scenery, historic architecture and differing cultures. As an economist, I also think about local productivity differences over time — we are romantic in that way. What I saw offered only a good long-term prognosis for the economy.

John Krull: Of the haunting and the haunted


The stories trickle out like tears streaming down cheeks.

Leo Morris: Déjà vu or a full brain?


Most of you have undoubtedly experienced déjà vu, that eerie sense that something you have never encountered before is nonetheless somehow familiar.

Ryan Trares: Jumping to conclusions


With every leap, I held my breath and fought the urge to reach out.

Dick Wolfsie: Those are fighting words


A woman who keeps quiet during an argument with her husband is four times more likely to die from heart disease. This is according to a study that was published in the journal of Psychosomatic Medicine, a publication I don’t generally read, but in my doctor’s office I had a choice of that or a 1993 Reader’s Digest.

David Carlson: A leaf falls


When we moved to central Indiana 44 years ago, one of my wife’s cousins, a graduate of Indiana University, told us that we’d love the long fall season in our new home.