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Opinion: Not even remotely funny


You’re probably familiar with the newest TV remote control technology. No longer do you have to “enter” the channel on the device; in many cases you can simply say what channel you want into the remote and voila! There it is on the screen. Of course, most times you will be asked to repeat yourself, because the high-tech gadget failed to understand you. As Mary Ellen noted, quite aptly, “I might as well ask you to switch channels, Dick. You can’t hear me half the time, either.”

OPINION: ‘Love and affection’ were Mom’s words in practice


A silver tray hangs on the wall at the top of the stairwell leading to my bedroom.

OPINION: Religion, nationalism an unsavory mix


A lesser-known aspect of the Russian invasion of Ukraine is the crisis the war is causing in the Orthodox Christian world. Most people know that Russia is predominantly an Orthodox country, but few may have noticed how close the Patriarch of Moscow, Kirill, has been to Putin over the years and how supportive the patriarch has been of Putin’s invasion. He has even repeated the lies that Putin is spreading to justify his slaughter of innocent Ukrainian people.

OPINION: Preparing for the primaries


Res ipsa loquitur.

OPINION: GOP spin is to completely spin off


In mid April, the Republican National Committee voted unanimously to withdraw from the Commission on Presidential Debates. As reported by Reuters, RNC’s chairperson, Ronna McDaniel said in a statement, “We are going to find newer, better debate platforms to ensure that future nominees are not forced to go through the biased CPD in order to make their case to the American people.”

OPINION: Something for everyone


At first glance it’s a blank, white canvas but when examining the wall a bit closer we could see the instantly recognizable raised dots of braille. Although neither of us could read braille, we couldn’t resist reaching out to touch and feel the wall.

OPINION ’Love hormone’ leads to kindness, happiness


Our typical morning routine involves reading. We start with some scripture in book form and then move on to news updates on the computer. Reading in book form tends to keeps me focused and on topic. Computer reading, on the other hand, often makes it tempting to go off track, go down one rabbit hole after another.