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OPINION: The Missing Driver’s License Mystery


“I can’t find my driver’s license,” Becky said. “I’ve looked in my bags, I’ve looked in the car. Heck, I’ve checked in between the cushions of the couch.”

OPINION: Enjoying the spring with a bike


It’s hard to stay indoors during the spring.

OPINION: Hospitals to legislature: Drop dead


Late last year, Indiana’s Senate pro tempore and speaker of the House wrote an open letter to leaders of the healthcare industry, urging them to craft a plan to reduce costs. This was a particularly smart, pragmatic and principled approach by Senator Bray and Representative Huston to seek compromise in one of the more vexing challenges faced by the state. At issue is the broad monopolization of hospital services and the resulting hospital prices that make Indiana a national outlier for healthcare costs.

OPINION: New industry to find home in Indiana


Kevin of Kokomo is not known in economic development circles, but he is a titan among the state’s fashion designers. During the COVID-19 pandemic, when we all had to remain at a distance from others, Kevin clothed models in sandpaper impregnated with camphor. It was most effective.

Opinion: Cheap thrills and the death of dollar stores


The dollar store as we knew it is gone. Oh, it’s still there. I can see the helium balloons from the street—hugging the ceiling, beckoning me to enter. But don’t you fall for it. It’s not a dollar store anymore, it’s the Dollar and a Quarter Store, regardless of the store name. One chain considered the name 2 Below. That would give them the option of two more price increases without having to buy another new sign.

Ryan Trares: Soccer season full of firsts


Roll out the balls and get ready for some wind sprints — Coach Ryan is taking the field.