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Morton Marcus: What is life expectancy, if not a numbers game?


There is a whole set of numbers we’d rather forget, so I’ll write about them today. According to data published in National Vital Statistics Reports for March 22, 2022, my life expectancy is another 6.4 years.

Leo Morris: Deference, sir, is no crime


I was not raised to say “sir” or “ma’am,” so those words have never been part of my regular vocabulary, except for three years in the Army when they were forced on enlisted personnel as the required way to address officers.

GPL Column: See the world with GPL


How did you stay sane during 2020?

Michael Hicks: The Amish in Indiana


Indiana is home to about 1 in 6 of all Amish Americans, with estimates from 2022 at about 62,000 adherents.

John Krull: A new slogan for ambitious Indiana politicians


The members of the Indiana General Assembly possess a real passion for solving problems that don’t exist or that they created themselves.

Niki Kelly: Health care costs are out of control; at least the General Assembly...


I hadn’t planned to write about health care today but as I sat at the keyboard, the strain of the last two weeks kicked in: the doctors, the tests, the waiting, the nurses, the hospital, the lack of sleep.

Hearts and Darts



Dick Wolfsie: Outclassing the reunion


As of a month ago, Mary Ellen and I planned to attend her reunion in Ohio where she would celebrate the 50th anniversary of her graduation from college.

Ryan Trares: Fishing for a new hobby


This felt like a major father-son moment.

Poem to the Editor: Ode to indoor cats


To the Editor: