Letter: Letter-writers should truly evaluate what they are wishing for

To the editor:

I read the musings of both John Baker and Don Smith recently and was amused at the TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) that seems to have them conflicted. Don even admits that truth and facts do not affect his thinking. Don also believes that the evil Murdoch is funding the equally evil Fox News. Don, you got that backwards, advertising funds Fox News and provides Murdoch a handsome profit.

Don, you want to believe that CNN, NPR, and the AP are good sources of what the free press can provide. Free press lets these three, who often have to correct and change their “news” because it is often incorrect, continue unrestricted. They tend to jump at any chance to report what sometimes turns out to be incorrect bad news on both Trump and other “deplorables.” Research has shown that CNN has done more retractions than any other source of televised news. The AP has done more retractions than any other source of print news.

Should your search for and belief in truth be valued, a look at Fox News would show their need for retracting stories is very rare and almost nonexistent relative to politics! I fully understand that folks like you have a brain that is right-side dominate and makes for a good artist, dancer and overall creative person. I respect that but please don’t wast time trying to influence others with untruths. Go back to your right-side dominant brain and continue watching Alisyn Camerota on CNN and calm down. CNN could use you since their audience has been evaporating over the last couple years.

John, what you wrote was first written, almost verbatim, in the Communist Manifesto about 170 years ago. You should be ashamed of yourself for plagiarism. Karl Marx and fellow writer Friedrich Engles would have good cause to be very upset with you taking credit for something they wrote! You long for a type of government that already exists. Go to Venezuela and live for a while then come back and report your findings.

Unfortunately Venezuela, although rich in oil, has found that living under the type of government you desire can not supply water and food to residents. Nor can they supply medical and other basic needs. Millions are fleeing and creating enormous problems for other countries. Go back a very short time in their history to see a robust and thriving country. The beautiful and prosperous Venezuela dissolved into nothingness with the onslaught of the type government you propose. Shame on you for wishing this on our great country!

Floyd Shirrell
